Showing posts with label en. Show all posts
Showing posts with label en. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

Care and Cleaning of Original silk carpets and rugs

Silk carpets being the most expensive carpets, we make in India. Did you ever thought how these silk carpets are cleaned and taken care of?

Silk rugs or say silk carpets are made from silk harvested from the cocoons of silk worms. Yes, don’t get surprise and because of this please treat it properly to ensure you do not damage the soft fibers.

1. Turn the rug down from backside, so that the front portion of the rug is down. Beat slowly the back side of silk rug with the broom handle, this has impact that it loosens the dirt caught inside the silk fibers, making it easier to remove when vacuuming. Warning!!! Please do not beat the top side of the rug, as you may damage delicate silk threads.

2 Though its not necessary but you should try to vacuum a silk rug twice a week to remove dust and dirt that falls into the rug's fibers. Please ensure to use a sweeper attachment to clean the rug.

3 . When any liquid is fallen on silk carpets, Blot the rug with a white cloth or paper towel, until all liquid is removed.

4 . After all liquid is removed or say soaked, dab the club soda onto the stain, working from outside the stain toward the inside. If this is not convenient for you, you may also mix one part white vinegar and one part water and apply this to the stain, continue blotting until the stain is removed.

5. Dry the damp area with a hair dryer or leave a fan running on the rug until the area is dry, try to avoid sunlight.

6. When you do not want to use the silk rugs store a silk rug by rolling it up with the fuzzy side on the outside. Use the sheet to cover, the roll to avoid any dust.

7. Enjoy using the silk rugs, again whenever you wish so…

If you need any silk carpets(original), you may contact us, we are manufacturers and exporters of handmade silk carpets and silk area rugs, in India. This we call as “Custom silk carpets”.

To know more you may contact us at or

DISCLAIMER : We recommend the above steps, we do not take any liability or gurantee. Its always better to consult the carpet cleaner for cleaning of silk rugs.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Polyproplene mats





Poly mat, polyprolene mat, chatai all are one and the same thing. Earlier these kind of mats were made of natural straws, but now these are being made with Polyproplene straws.

These kind of mats are made in 2 different pattersns : one is carpet weave polyproplene mats other is check weave pattern.

Carpet weave are mostly advisable for oriental or say traditional designs, as against the cheque weave which are made mosttly for modern or me perfecly ay geomterical designs.

The sizes most popularly made are 3x6, 4x6, 5x7, 6x6, 6x9, 8x12, 9x12. All are in fts.

Here are some of the pictures of different pattern of poly mats. For more details you may contact us at

حصيرة بولي ، polyprolene حصيرة ، chatai جميعا واحد، والشيء نفسه. وأدلى في وقت سابق من هذا النوع من الفرش من القش الطبيعي، ولكن الآن يجري بذل هذه Polyproplene مع القش.

يتم إجراء هذا النوع من الحصير في 2 pattersns مختلفة : واحد هو نسج السجاد ماتس polyproplene الاختيار الآخر هو نسج النمط.

نسج السجاد هي في معظمها من المستحسن للتصاميم شرقية تقليدية أو يقول، في مقابل نسج الاختيار التي تتم في معظمها عن الحديث أو لي المنعم يوسف perfecly تصاميم هندسية.

الأحجام الأكثر شعبيا بها هي 3x6، 4X6، 5x7، 6x6 ، نظام 6x9، 8x12، 9x12. كلها في FTS.

وهنا بعض من الصور من نمط مختلف من الحصير بولي. لمزيد من التفاصيل يمكنكم الاتصال بنا على

Tapis de Poly, polyprolene tapis, chatai tous sont une seule et même chose. Plus tôt ce genre de tapis ont été faites de pailles naturelles, mais maintenant elles sont faites avec des pailles en polypropylène.

Ce genre de tapis sont faits en 2 pattersns différentes: l'une est de tapis en polypropylène tissent des tapis d'autres est de vérifier motif de tissage.

Tapis tissent sont le plus souvent conseillé aux orientaux ou dire des motifs traditionnels, contre le tissage vérifier quels sont faites surtout pour moi perfecly moderne ou ay dessins géométriques.

Les tailles les plus couramment faites sont 3x6, 4x6, 5x7, 6x6, 6x9, 8x12, 9x12. Tous sont en fts.

Voici quelques-unes des photos de modèle différents de tapis poly. Pour plus de détails vous pouvez nous contacter à

Tappetino Poly, polyprolene stuoia, chatai tutti sono uno e la stessa cosa. In precedenza questo tipo di tappeti erano fatte di paglia naturale, ma ora questi sono stati fatti con cannucce Polyproplene.

Questo tipo di tappeti sono realizzati in 2 pattersns diversi: uno è tappeto tessere stuoie polyproplene altri è motivo di controllo tessere.

Tessere tappeti sono per lo più consigliabile per i disegni tradizionali orientali o dire, come contro la trama controllo che sono fatti per lo più per i moderni o me alla perfezione ay disegni geometrici.

Le taglie più popolarmente fatto sono 3x6, 4x6, 5x7, 6x6, 6x9, 8x12, 9x12. Tutti sono in FTS.

Ecco alcune delle immagini di modello differente di stuoie poli. Per maggiori dettagli potete contattarci al

حصیر پلی ، polyprolene MAT ، chatai همه یکی و هم همین است. در اوایل این نوع از تشک از نی های طبیعی ساخته شده بودند ، اما در حال حاضر این هستند که با نی Polyproplene ساخته شده است.

این نوع از تشک در 2 pattersns مختلف ساخته شده است : یکی بافت فرش تشک polyproplene دیگر این است که بررسی الگوی بافتن.

بافت فرش اغلب توصیه برای طرح های شرقی و یا سنتی می گویند ، در مقابل بافت چک است که عمدتا برای مدرن ساخته شده و یا من perfecly ابد طرح هندسی.

اندازه محبوب ترین ساخته شده ، 3x6 ، 4x6 ، 5x7 ، 6x6 ، 6x9 ، 8x12 ، 9x12. در FTS هستند.

در اینجا برخی از تصاویر از الگوی مختلف تشک پلی. برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر شما ممکن است ما در با ما تماس بگیرید

Alfombra poli, polyprolene estera, chatai todas son una y la misma cosa. A principios de este tipo de alfombras eran de paja natural, pero ahora estos se hacen con pajillas Polyproplene.

Este tipo de alfombras se hacen en dos pattersns diferentes: una es la alfombra de tejer esteras polyproplene otro es comprobar patrón de la trama.

Alfombras tejen su mayoría son convenientes para los diseños tradicionales orientales o decir, en comparación con el tejido comprobar que se hacen sobre todo para los modernos, o me perfecly ay diseños geométricos.

Los tamaños más popularmente se hacen 3x6, 4x6, 5x7, 6x6, 6x9, 8x12, 9x12. Todos están en fts.

Éstos son algunos de los cuadros de diferentes patrones de alfombras poli. Para más información puede contactar con nosotros en

Thursday, June 02, 2011



stuoie di cocco e tappeti di cocco :

esteras y alfombras de fibra de coco de coco :

tapis coco et des tapis de coco;

Coir mats made in india are considered one of the best mats. These are also named as coco mats.

There are many varities of coir mats and rubber mats:

1. Rubberised coir mats : these kind of mats may be brushed and non-brushed. these have base of rubber. Very commonly used coir mats
2. Creel mats : These are very rarely used being costly, as these are made totally without any rubber back.
3. PVC coir mats : These are mainly used for printing on the mats, These have PVC(kind of rubber), on the back, as support.
4. Rubber mats : you will be surprised, there are so new innovations in the design of these kind of mats, mats like hollow mats and pin rubber mats are also covered under this category.
5. Grilled rubber mats : these are also rubber mats, but like wrought iron designs.

By this I mean that door mats of these kind of mats are very popular all over the world.

Some designs for your reference. If you wish to discuss more on this, please write to us at

Tapis de coco fabriqués en Inde sont considérés comme l'un des meilleurs tapis. Ce sont aussi nommés comme des tapis de coco.

Il existe plusieurs variétés de tapis coco et des tapis de caoutchouc:

1. caoutchoutée tapis coco: ce genre de tapis peut être brossée et non-brossé. ceux-ci ont base de caoutchouc. Couramment utilisé tapis coco
2. Tapis de Creel: Elles sont très rarement utilisés étant coûteuses, car elles sont fabriquées entièrement en caoutchouc sans retour.
3. Tapis coco PVC: Elles sont principalement utilisées pour l'impression sur le tapis, Ceux-ci ont PVC (sorte de caoutchouc), sur le dos, comme un soutien.
4. tapis de caoutchouc: vous serez surpris, il ya des innovations si nouveau dans la conception de ce genre de nattes, tapis comme les tapis et tapis en caoutchouc creux broches sont également repris dans cette catégorie.
5. Tapis de caoutchouc grillé: ce sont aussi des tapis de caoutchouc, mais comme modèles en fer forgé.

J'entends par là que les paillassons de ce genre de tapis sont très populaires partout dans le monde.

Certains modèles pour votre référence. Si vous souhaitez discuter plus à ce sujet, s'il vous plaît nous écrire à

Esteras de coco hecho en la India son considerados una de las mejores alfombras. Estos se llaman también esteras de coco.

Hay muchas variedades de coco esteras y alfombras de goma:

1. alfombras de goma de coco: este tipo de alfombras puede ser pulido y no pulido. estos tienen una base de caucho. Muy comúnmente utilizados esteras de coco
2. Creel alfombras: Estos se utilizan muy raramente ser costosa, ya que estos son hechos totalmente sin ningún tipo de goma de la espalda.
3. Esteras de PVC de coco: Estos se utilizan principalmente para la impresión en las esteras, estos han de PVC (tipo de caucho), en la parte posterior, como apoyo.
4. alfombras de goma: te sorprenderá, no son tan nuevas innovaciones en el diseño de este tipo de alfombras, tapetes, como esteras hueco y el pin alfombrillas de goma se incluirán también en esta categoría.
5. Alfombras de goma a la parrilla: se trata también alfombrillas de goma, pero al igual que diseños de hierro forjado.

Con esto quiero decir que felpudos de este tipo de alfombras son muy populares en todo el mundo.

Algunos diseños para su referencia. Si desea hablar más sobre esto, por favor escríbanos a

Stuoie di cocco in India sono considerati uno dei migliori tappeti. Questi sono denominati come tappetini Coco.

Ci sono molte varietà di tappeti di cocco e tappeti di gomma:

1. gommato stuoie di cocco: questo tipo di tappeti può essere spazzolato e non spazzolato. queste hanno base di gomma. Molto comunemente utilizzate stuoie di cocco
2. Stuoie Creel: queste sono molto raramente di essere costosa, in quanto questi sono totalmente prive di qualsiasi tipo di gomma posteriore.
3. Stuoie di cocco PVC: questi sono utilizzati principalmente per la stampa sulle stuoie, questi hanno in PVC (tipo di gomma), sul retro, come supporto.
4. tappetini in gomma: sarete sorpresi, ci sono le innovazioni in modo nuovo nella progettazione di questo tipo di tappeti, stuoie, come stuoie e tappeti in gomma cava pin sono coperti anche in questa categoria.
5. Tappetini in gomma alla griglia: anche questi sono tappetini di gomma, ma come disegni in ferro battuto.

Con questo voglio dire che zerbini di questo tipo di tappeti sono molto popolari in tutto il mondo.

Alcuni disegni per il vostro riferimento. Se volete discutere di più su questo, si prega di scrivere a

Saturday, April 30, 2011

patch work rugs-Patch arbeiten Teppiche-alfombras parche de trabajo-patch lavoro tappeti-tapis de travail patch

patch work rug

Gonna days, where the rugs used to be plain or in one design. now the trend has change from one design, to many design rugs, or one colour in many colour rugs, all joined, or join look, make patch work rugs.

All these are handmade, and give very rich look, and different too.

Some pictures of the same are herewith for your kind reference :

Gonna jour,  le tapis sert à être uni ou dans une conception. maintenant la tendancea changer d'un design, des tapis de design, ou une couleur dans les tapis de couleurbeaucoup, tous les joints, ou inscris-look, des tapis de travail correctif.

Tous ces faits à la main, et donner l'air très riche, et différent aussi.

Quelques photos de la même sont présentes à titre de référence type:

Va a días, donde las alfombras que solía ser normal o en uno de diseño. ahora latendencia ha cambiado a partir de un diseño, mucho diseño de alfombras, o un coloren muchas alfombras de color, todos unidos, o unirse a mirar, hacer alfombras parchede trabajo.

Todos estos son hechos a mano, y dan un aspecto muy rica, y diferentes también.

Algunas imágenes de la misma se adjunta para su referencia especie: globalfloor@

Gonna giorni, dove i tappeti utilizzati per essere normale o in un disegno. ora la tendenza è passare da un disegno, di tappeti di design, o un colore in molti tappeti di colore, tutti uniti, o unirsi a guardare, fanno tappeti lavoro della zona.

Tutti questi sono fatti a mano, e dare un'occhiata molto ricca, e troppo diversi.

Alcune immagini della stessa vengono altresì per il vostro tipo di riferimento: globalfloor@

Gonna Tage, wo die Teppiche verwendet werden oder in einem einfachen die Trendwende von einem Design, viele Design-Teppiche, oder eine Farbe invielen Farb-Teppiche hat, stimmten alle, oder registriere dich jetzt sehen, stellen Patcharbeiten Teppiche.

All dies sind handgemacht, und geben sehr reich aussehen und anders.

Einige Bilder von der gleichen sind hiermit für Ihre freundliche Hinweis: globalfloor@

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Geographical Indication(GI) registration

Though this news is still fresh and new that our carpet industry which consists of handmade rugs and carpets consisting may items has been granted Geographical Indication (GI)

It should be made note that  Bhadohi-Mirzapur is the biggest carpet manufacturing hub in India. The GI tag means a lot to us. this covers carpets manufactured in nine districts of the region, Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Varanasi, Ghazipur, Sonebhadra, Kaushambi, Allahabad, Jaunpur and Chandauli. These will be tagged with ‘handmade carpet of Bhadohi’.

We have been talking GI, but what is Geographical Indication ?

These are defined as that aspect of industrial property which refer to the geographical indication referring to a country or to a place situated therein as being the country or place of origin of that product. This conveys an assurance of quality and distinctiveness, which is essentially attributable to the fact of its origin in that defined geographical locality, region or country. Now the GI been granted to carpet industry is some thing which other countries cannot copy, and we prevail and continue our original existance.

We are proud to be part and parcel of this handmade carpet industry.

For more details email us at

Friday, February 18, 2011

pictures of different kind of rugs

There are many websites which offers you, to build you websites.

Our range of handmade carpets are at :-

you may visit to see the range of handmade rugs, which are available.