Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Shining Carpet

The Shining Carpet

What do you mean by "THE SHINNING CARPET"?

Is this carpet which shines like silk? 

The carpets are manufactured mostly in wool, but in view of the trend these are also made using shinning material like polyester, viscose or artificial silk etc.

The Shining Carpet

The Shining Carpet-wool and silk

these can be all over shinning or may be at some places in a carpet, like say ground in wool, and design in shinning...see here image showing this...

The Shining Carpet

The Shining Carpet-all silk

Another case where the whole carpet is shinning, this means that in this carpet there is no wool being used but all silk....see here image showing this...

If you need any more details you can email us at or can visit our website at

Rug and Home

Rug and Home

rug and home
Designer Rug for your home
Rug and Home are complimentary and supplimentary to each other. When you have a home of your own belongings, you need the floor not to look lousy, but to look beautiful... When we say decorate the floor, we clearly mean RUG.

rug for home
wool home rug
Every home should have atleast a rug in living room, in bedroom, at the dinning area etc. The rug can be made on custom sizes and designs for anyone home.

For more details you may please visit us at or can email us at

wool home rug
rug and home